- Boloh Miranda Izquierdo (1986)
is an artist and filmmaker based in Quito, Ecuador. He is currently a producer and film director at LLEGO films collective, and co
founder of Tawna: Films from territory . His work has been linked to the visualization of dispossessions and injustices in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Boloh´s audiovisual work is a continual denunciation of the systematic violence imparted by extractivism in the rainforest. His work includes a documentary record of workshops aiming at streng thening young leaders in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Also in 2015 he Co founded Minka Urbana an activist collective to support
communities that resist the invasion of mega mining projects. He is producer of the documentary ALLPAMANDA (LIFE IS TERRITORY), about the historical process of ecuadorian Amazon indigenous organization (CONFENIAE). His videos have been presented in important venues such as the Cuenca Biennial, the Reina Sofia Museum, the Sydney Biennial, and he has had solo exhibitions at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito.
- Boloh Miranda Izquierdo
boloh33@gmail.com For film distribution please contact: info@tawna.org