Rainbow of Oppression23 minutes, 2019, Collaboration with Daniela Roepke & Pacha Queer.
- Official selection for Festival de Cine Radical in Bolivia.
- El Lugar Sin Limites Film festival in Ecuador.
- 15 Festival de cine LesBiGayTrans de Asunción-Paraguay.
Film: https://choloflix.com/peliculas/lgbtiq/arcoiris-de-opresion/
Rainbow of Opression, tells of a day in the life of CoCa & MoTa: "In different latitudes we end up joining the fury and courage against heteropatriarchy and capitalism that we live.... the death of our sisters at the hands of the "status quo", the disgusting normativity and absurd consumption keeps us on the warpath. The "pride" marches are held every year under the slogan of maintaining "order" and feeding the particular interests of those who play their chess of colors best. The alliances of these spaces with fascism and capitalism make them unsafe for trans bodies, monstras, cuyrs, non-binary and other counter-hegemonic corporealities that we do not want or with which we cannot dialogue."